Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reno County Kansas

it is absolutely fascinating how the politics of capitalist democratic societies work.

Hutchinson Kansas, new home of a nacelle factory owned and operated by none other than Siemens. That is right, the massive energy conglomerate, who's logo you have probably seen gracing the front of one of London's most famous football clubs, based in that far off socialist land. To be quite frank, I hate to write posts imbued by such boring rhetoric. However, the fact is that this very county voted in strong opposition to every democratic candidate at the federal and state levels in 2008.  Yet for some incomprehensible (yes, that is sarcasm you smell) reason had no trouble welcoming the Siemens factory along with the estimated 400 jobs it will create and sustain as well as further local benefits (i.e. suppliers smilier to the one my brother works for who sell to niche markets that are usually controlled by a handful of companies).

Perhaps a few of those elected officials would like to have a say on this matter. Let's examine how the voted on H.R. 1

Leading off the fair Senator Pat Roberts. How did you vote on H.R. 1 Mr. Roberts? oh thats right you opposed it, but I'm sure you had no trouble voting yea for a few amendments. (

In the two hole United States Representative Jerry Moran. What do you say Mr. Moran how about some jobs for your faithful constituents? Huh, you too, oh well not very surprising.
( my apologies Mr. Moran's website only linked to his roll call votes)

P.S. One local news source ran the economic boom of Reno county as its top story of 2009.

And so I would like to conclude with a brief message to those who consistently argue for complete reign of free markets:                      YOU!

edit: As of post time I had not thoroughly investigated how a private company like Siemans was lured to a small town in west central Kansas. A simple search of Hutchinson zip code on yeilded a fascinating result: Just over 100 million awarded to this area and over 800 jobs created. That is right 100 million.

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