Sunday, April 25, 2010


Why does Sean Hannity call Barack Obama the "anointed one"?

I love when news channels are unafraid to admit that they are stumping for one party or a particular ideology.


huh still waiting for the rapture mr. hannity. (also i might add that he has a terribly wrong idea on how the financial crisis was created. no offense but it  had nothing to do with government involvement, in fact probably little to no government regulation on that one street in new york. next time i'm looking to understand how complex derivatives hedged against nothing had everything to do with government involvement i'll call you mr. hannity.)

and yes sean, i am a liberal, and i usually do wake up everyday and say to out loud to myself "I'm not being taxed enough, tax me some more!"

i think when you make an investment you generally hope to see return on that investment. well when i pay taxes i usually see that returned in the form of cash round about once a year and maybe when I'm older social security and medicare compensation (although the stability of social security is a whole different issue). Someday when i pay real estate taxes i sure as hell hope to wake up and go, man i know my kid and others like him/her will be getting an education that is certainly not the caliber of all those socialized idiots in europe and parts of asia.

also just heard that barney frank is responsible for most of the financial crisis.

watching fox and blogging is funny.

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