Monday, April 5, 2010

a pertinent and prescient epistemology

i'm not sure if i agree with everything that is being said here, but i do think what he is doing is brilliant.

"uncertainty is an uncomfortable position, certainty is an observed position"

also check this weird shit out:

seriously china? really? its bob fucking dylan, he's not really that good at instruments and he's like 90 now. the man can hardly talk let alone hold or change tone(s) for a verse. i seriously doubt that even if he has the wherewithal to realize the crimes against humanity the Chinese are committing in Tibet, he still probably wont realize that he was in china until about 3 weeks after he leaves. that's how slow his brain is now. so relax, okay? i mean come on you just had the olympics and you controlled it so hard that people forgot to protest Tibet. bob dylan can hardly remember his name. so clear him now, okay please? you should be afraid of those guys google (you know the guys who actually know what they are doing).


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