Wednesday, May 5, 2010

which is a worse sign?

1) as i browse my netflix recommendations list, i am coming to the conclusion that any film i haven't yet heard of isn't worth watching.  (keep in mind that this is a sound conclusions, formed after viewing the synopsis of at least a hundred films i haven't heard of)

2) i've seen enough films that i know something about each one, which is worth watching, that i haven't yet seen.

3) there is a list of films. all of which you have most likely heard of, that i haven't seen yet.



drew said...

what about these movies makes you not want to see them?

bk said...

some combination of cheesy and lame taglines, English humor (in the worst kind of way), and MS Paint covers.

the only ones i haven't heard of but still find interesting are all foreign. even the good old independent sector seems to be just making the same film over and over and stamping a new title on it. in the meanwhile, hollywood spends all of its money trying to emulate this one repackaged independent plot skeleton.

drew said...

yeah i hear that