Friday, April 30, 2010

holy shit.

holy shit 2.

holy shit 3.

enjoy your weekend.

yeah ok lets keep drilling

BP is also planning to cap the well and capture the leaking oil, but this will take four weeks to put in place, by which stage more than 150,000 barrels could have spilled out. If the steel cap does not work, BP will have to try drilling a relief well, which would take three months. By then, the spill could total more than 300,000 barrels (47m litres), greater than the 258,000 barrels leaked by the Exxon Valdez.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


i was cheerfully walking home from the library today while piping Sufjan into my ear canals when i realized that i was wearing a Sufjan shirt.  boy, did i feel silly.

next week i am going to try listening to the Nickleback discography on the way to the Nickleback concert.  then i'll put an Apple patch on my backpack.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


There is only one band i can think of capable of not only recording their own concert film but also funding it in its entirety. To top it off, when the project is finished instead of being sold to a huge record company capable of distributing it to the masses, the film is put on you tube where anyone can watch for free without knowledge of who filmed it, released it or anything.
that's solid.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Why does Sean Hannity call Barack Obama the "anointed one"?

I love when news channels are unafraid to admit that they are stumping for one party or a particular ideology.


huh still waiting for the rapture mr. hannity. (also i might add that he has a terribly wrong idea on how the financial crisis was created. no offense but it  had nothing to do with government involvement, in fact probably little to no government regulation on that one street in new york. next time i'm looking to understand how complex derivatives hedged against nothing had everything to do with government involvement i'll call you mr. hannity.)

and yes sean, i am a liberal, and i usually do wake up everyday and say to out loud to myself "I'm not being taxed enough, tax me some more!"

i think when you make an investment you generally hope to see return on that investment. well when i pay taxes i usually see that returned in the form of cash round about once a year and maybe when I'm older social security and medicare compensation (although the stability of social security is a whole different issue). Someday when i pay real estate taxes i sure as hell hope to wake up and go, man i know my kid and others like him/her will be getting an education that is certainly not the caliber of all those socialized idiots in europe and parts of asia.

also just heard that barney frank is responsible for most of the financial crisis.

watching fox and blogging is funny.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reno County Kansas

it is absolutely fascinating how the politics of capitalist democratic societies work.

Hutchinson Kansas, new home of a nacelle factory owned and operated by none other than Siemens. That is right, the massive energy conglomerate, who's logo you have probably seen gracing the front of one of London's most famous football clubs, based in that far off socialist land. To be quite frank, I hate to write posts imbued by such boring rhetoric. However, the fact is that this very county voted in strong opposition to every democratic candidate at the federal and state levels in 2008.  Yet for some incomprehensible (yes, that is sarcasm you smell) reason had no trouble welcoming the Siemens factory along with the estimated 400 jobs it will create and sustain as well as further local benefits (i.e. suppliers smilier to the one my brother works for who sell to niche markets that are usually controlled by a handful of companies).

Perhaps a few of those elected officials would like to have a say on this matter. Let's examine how the voted on H.R. 1

Leading off the fair Senator Pat Roberts. How did you vote on H.R. 1 Mr. Roberts? oh thats right you opposed it, but I'm sure you had no trouble voting yea for a few amendments. (

In the two hole United States Representative Jerry Moran. What do you say Mr. Moran how about some jobs for your faithful constituents? Huh, you too, oh well not very surprising.
( my apologies Mr. Moran's website only linked to his roll call votes)

P.S. One local news source ran the economic boom of Reno county as its top story of 2009.

And so I would like to conclude with a brief message to those who consistently argue for complete reign of free markets:                      YOU!

edit: As of post time I had not thoroughly investigated how a private company like Siemans was lured to a small town in west central Kansas. A simple search of Hutchinson zip code on yeilded a fascinating result: Just over 100 million awarded to this area and over 800 jobs created. That is right 100 million.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

moral: who gives a shit? if you enjoy the jonas brothers, let yourself enjoy the jonas brothers. stop looking at things through social binoculars.

i have news for you. you cannot control what you enjoy. you can only control what you admit. you might tell everybody you meet, and yourself, that you hate watching the hills. if you watch the hills once, you might like it. i can't speak on the hills since i haven't actually watched it (or the jonas brothers since i haven't paid enough attention to form an opinion), but i'd be willing. you can't be genuine with people if you can't be genuine with yourself. embrace what you enjoy, regardless of stigma.

- bk

now i remember...

fantastic analysis of the bush presidency, right after being re-elected to the white house for another term, is spot on.

Monday, April 5, 2010

there is something about discomfort that lends me ultimate comfort. there is something about loneliness that gives me an ultimate sense of belonging. maybe it's because we, ourselves, don't realize how lonely and uncomfortable everybody else is until we share in their pitiful solitude. only by feeling that we don't belong do we discover that we are right where we are supposed to be.

any person who claims to be comfortable has assigned a new name to his discomfort. comfort signifies complacency, and complacency sounds like a bad thing, right? is comfort really settling for less than a full realization of our potential? or maybe comfort is the goal. maybe it's me who is doing it wrong.


a pertinent and prescient epistemology

i'm not sure if i agree with everything that is being said here, but i do think what he is doing is brilliant.

"uncertainty is an uncomfortable position, certainty is an observed position"

also check this weird shit out:

seriously china? really? its bob fucking dylan, he's not really that good at instruments and he's like 90 now. the man can hardly talk let alone hold or change tone(s) for a verse. i seriously doubt that even if he has the wherewithal to realize the crimes against humanity the Chinese are committing in Tibet, he still probably wont realize that he was in china until about 3 weeks after he leaves. that's how slow his brain is now. so relax, okay? i mean come on you just had the olympics and you controlled it so hard that people forgot to protest Tibet. bob dylan can hardly remember his name. so clear him now, okay please? you should be afraid of those guys google (you know the guys who actually know what they are doing).


Friday, April 2, 2010


time to meet your maker.

today, i am less of a cynical asshole than i was yesterday. it is my goal to be less of one tomorrow than i am today, and so on.

i told an older woman in the hall in the faculty section of a building that her hair looked great. in reality, i had no opinion on her hair. it was old lady hair. but she beamed. that smile made me smile and maybe my smile made somebody else smile. i'm fed up with seeing everything as "how lame" or "not for me" so i'm going to stop.

on the docket for tonight? i'm going to listen to a Miley Cyrus album from front to back. then i'm going to find something complimentary about it to write on here for next week. stay tuned.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's your world....

we're just living in it.