Monday, April 5, 2010

there is something about discomfort that lends me ultimate comfort. there is something about loneliness that gives me an ultimate sense of belonging. maybe it's because we, ourselves, don't realize how lonely and uncomfortable everybody else is until we share in their pitiful solitude. only by feeling that we don't belong do we discover that we are right where we are supposed to be.

any person who claims to be comfortable has assigned a new name to his discomfort. comfort signifies complacency, and complacency sounds like a bad thing, right? is comfort really settling for less than a full realization of our potential? or maybe comfort is the goal. maybe it's me who is doing it wrong.



russ said...

who is bk?

bk said...

asking the important questions. this is one i have been trying to answer for a few decades. i apologize that i can't be of more assistance.

drew said...

skepticism usually bores me simply because i think it is just complacency. so ill ignore the last bit about you thinking you're wrong or not wrong or whatever that is.

but i do think that unsettling things often lead people to claim that perhaps their existence is lonely. perhaps that belief leads them to think that their really is no point yadda yadda yadda.

i often wonder if a misunderstanding of existential thought has lead people to this sort of mind droning existence where we argue over all these ambiguous distinctions. i often find that firmly rooting yourself in a belief system then proceeding to constantly critique that is certainly a much more fulfilling and less lonely way to live. that is not to say you have to abide by one comprehensive theory on how to be or know things.